2022 SOE Lecture

Since 2005 SOE Lectures have been presented at many European Ophthalmological Society National meeting. Whilst the response each year since has been good there are still societies not submitting Lectures and we strongly encourage you to participate in forthcoming years. 

All SOE Lecturers should be a promising young Clinician or Researcher under the age of 45 and are awarded a diploma along with a voucher entitling them to complimentary registration at the next SOE Congress. In addition, we now ask that the SOE Lecturers submit an abstract of their lecture which will be included on the SOE website and invite video footage of the lecture taking place which can also be uploaded on to the SOE Vision webpage.

The SOE Lecturer will be introduced by the National Representative on the SOE Board, with the help of three slides which we have prepared. We will forward the slides when your lecturer has been confirmed. These slides help to introduce SOE and give information about the next Congress, SOE 2023, to be held in Prague, Czech Republic from 15 – 17 June 2023. When the lecture comes to an end, you and/or your President can present the SOE Lecturer with a diploma and voucher for the SOE2023 Congress, which we shall send as a PDF via email that you can print off and present, once you let us have the details of the lecturer.
